Friday, November 28, 2014


During this Thanksgiving season, we look back with awe and gratitude at the past year. We are amazed, first and foremost, at the greatness of our God and how he has faithfully carried us through every aspect of this journey. His hand was so evident from the beginning and continues to make itself known as Josie so rapidly and beautifully adjusts to life here in the Snoeyink household. If she weren't here, flourishing and growing in her own unique ways, our trip to China would seem like a distant memory that may or may not have "really happened." As it is, it already seems so far away, like a dream we look back upon ever so fondly. But if the trip seems distant, Josie herself certainly does not. It has been incredible to watch her attach to us and learn the sign language for "more," "eat" (both of which she repeats continuously), "please," "thank you," and of course, waving and blowing kisses. She now loves taking baths (she tugged at her clothes today until a confused Leah removed them only to watch her run to the bathroom and reach behind the shower curtain until Leah realized what she wanted), helping to put away clothes and dishes, and as we found out today, even going sledding down the hill in our backyard all by herself. Our hearts continue to melt at her squinty-eyed, toothy smile, contagious belly laugh, and the way she has so quickly become a treasured, indispensable part of our family. Our journey to China is complete, but another has begun. We are so excited to see what God has in store.

Not only do we praise God for His continued faithfulness, but we are so grateful for the way His characteristics were manifested by so many of you. What a joy to be reunited and be able to again experience fellowship face to face. Your encouragement and generosity have meant so much to us...we have loved the notes and delicious meals made by many of you! It is truly humbling to be the recipients of the grace found in the body of Christ, and for that we are forever thankful.

Enjoy a few pictures from Josie's first month in the US! We love you all and hope that you experience the joy of the Lord this season.
Hannah (for the Snoeyink 6)